Board of Directors and Regional Representatives

States: West Virginia, Maryland, Virgina, Delaware, North Carolina
Marbeth Holmes
Mid-Atlantic Region Representative
As the Dean of Student Success at Nash Community College, Marbeth supervises the Success Network, an umbrella of student support services including the Student Wellness Center, NCC Collegiate Recovery Program, Minority Male Success Initiative (MALE), emergency Blue Love Fund, and the Single Stop program, which screens for federal and state programs, provides access to free tax preparation, legal referrals, financial counseling. Holmes also supervises Advising Services, ADA services, Student Engagement (SGA, clubs, food pantry and success closet), Library Services, and ACA College Success courses. Marbeth earned her Master of Social Work with the Substance Abuse Certificate at UNC-CH. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist, and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. Marbeth is an Affirmative Practitioner and provides trauma-informed professional development on the local, state, and national level. In March 2021, Holmes received the NASW-NC Myrna Miller Wellons Advocate of the Year Award.
Email: [email protected]