Board of Directors and Regional Representatives

States: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana
Corey Lamb
West Region Representative
Corey Lamb is the collegiate recovery coordinator at Stanford University and is in long-term recovery from severe substance use disorder. His academic journey includes a GED from ABC Adult School, five associate degrees from Fullerton Community College, and a BA in Sociology from Stanford. He is a recipient of the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholarship and a second-year Master of Public Health candidate from the University of Michigan.
Throughout his personal, academic, and professional life, Corey has been a passionate advocate for LGBTQ+ and disability rights, as well as a mentor for single parents and individuals seeking recovery from addiction. At home, he is a dedicated single father to his ten-year-old daughter. In his free time, Corey enjoys international travel, exploring world history, caring for old shelter dogs, and sneaking in naps whenever possible.
Email: [email protected]