ARHE Staff & Interns

Louise Irizarry
Assistant Controller
Louise Irizarry (she/her) serves as Assistant Controller for the Association of Recovery in Higher Education. She joined the association in 2012 and has previously served as Business Manager and Membership Administrator in a part-time capacity. She also worked with various aspects of the organization including website development, database management, fiscal management, and administration. Louise’s background includes working in the corporate world in roles supporting executive leaders with companies such as and Yamaha Motor Corporation, as well as serving as Assistant Controller in the service industry. In addition to her now full time role with ARHE, she also has worked in Academia supporting divisional Directors and Senior Associate Vice-Presidents. Louise has served in volunteer capacities in leadership roles with Habitat for Humanity fund raising and coordinating the building of seven habitat homes and has served on the board of her HOA in various positions, most recently as President. She served as Troop Leader for 10+ years for Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta and has taught religious instructions at St. Catherine of Siena in Kennesaw, GA where she lives with her husband and daughter.
Email: [email protected]