ARHE Staff & Interns

Mack Park
Assistant Director
Mack Park (they/them) is the Assistant Director for the Association of Recovery in Higher Education and is currently pursuing a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Windsor. Their B.A.[H] with Thesis was in Psychology, with minors in Sociology and Applied Information Technology. They also hold a certificate in Business Administration and an Advanced diploma in Web Development. Mack served as the Program Coordinator for the student recovery program at the University of Windsor for nearly 3 years and has been working with ARHE in a part-time capacity since 2020. As a person in long-term recovery from substance use, mental health, addictive behaviours, and a traumatic brain injury, Mack is extremely grateful to the recovery supports that have been made available to them and are passionate about giving back to the community, being of service, and supporting others in their recovery journeys. In their spare time, Mack enjoys hiking, board games, drawing, and learning new things.
Email: [email protected]