We are so excited to welcome you to the 11th annual ARHE Conference starting on Monday, June 22nd. Below you will find a list of all confirmed keynote speakers this week.


Please join us for the keynotes and be sure to register on the conference page. 


Email [email protected] with any questions!


#ARHE2020 Tuesday Keynote Session


Session Title: Building a National Movement to Decarcerate the United States

Keynote Session

Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm ET

DeAnna Hoskins, LCAC, JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA)

For the last four decades, America has relentlessly relied on incarceration as a solution to complex social problems- discarding far too many lives and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars each year. Like any disease, this nation’s prison epidemic affects a broad spectrum of individuals, families, and communities. Mass imprisonment severs important family relationships-consigning millions of American children to multigenerational poverty, low educational achievement, poor social and emotional development and potential future criminal justice involvement. The cycling in and out of Americans diminishes our capacity to build stronger, safer communities by straining the fragile social networks of the poor neighborhoods that absorb the 600,000 men and women returning home each year.


On a national level, the explosive growth of our prison population poses a formidable threat to America’s economic prosperity. High removal rates of working age, able-bodied citizens results in an enormous loss of human capital and diminishes the quality of our workforce. Incarceration produces unparalleled rates of unemployment, with rates as high as 60 percent among formerly incarcerated individuals in states like New York, almost ten times the national rate. High unemployment among formerly incarcerated people results in a loss of income tax revenue, higher state and federal government assistance payouts, and detracts from spending for other essential government services.


#ARHE2020 Wednesday Keynote Session


Join us for an amazing keynote session which creates a space to share stories of individuals from marginalized populations and in recovery! Be sure to register on the conference page and email [email protected] with any questions!


Session Title: Breaking the Silence: The Unheard Stories of Marginalized People in Recovery.

Keynote Session

Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm ET

Shauntelle Hammonds, PRSS, CSAC-A, Rams in Recovery

Trevor Gates, Western Carolina University

Michelle Omowaiye, Rams in Recovery 

The modern day recovery movement has been dominated by privilege, marginalized individuals have been focused into the shadows of the majority. The unheard and unseen individuals in recovery deserve a voice. This presentation will focus on sharing the stories of individuals from marginalized communities. We will talk about our struggles within recovery spaces , and also how to support intersecting marginalized identities. We will talk about why individuals from these communities need support , and how to implement a culture of inclusion into recovery spaces.Through education and sharing our personal stories, we strive to inspire conference attendees to leave this session with the intent to insinuate change within their community.


#ARHE2020 Thursday Keynote Sessions


Session Title: Learning with Conviction: In Recovery and on Campus with a Criminal History 

Keynote Session

Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm ET

Noel Vest, PhD, Stanford University

The collateral consequences of a criminal record create disadvantage in career mobility. College provides a potential pathway that can help reduce recidivism by increasing earnings and the quality of employment for formerly incarcerated scholars. Previous research on collegiate recovery programs estimate that 58.1% have been previously arrested, 37.7% have been incarcerated in jail or prison, 14.1% are currently involved with the legal system, and 9.6% are currently on parole or probation. This presentation utilizes the Sequential Intercept model to explain how collegiate recovery programs can act as an extremely effective criminal justice intervention for scholars impacted by the legal system.


Session Title: What I Wish I’d Known: Reflections on Professional Development Priorities for CRP Professionals

Keynote Session

Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm ET

Sierra Castedo de Martell, MPH, UTHealth School of Public Health

Angie Bryan, MEd, MA, MFT, UC Santa Barbara

Anna Treviño, MEd, LPC, LCDC, Texas Tech Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities

Jennifer Cervi, LLMSW, University of Virginia

Jonathan Lofgren, PhD, LADC, Addiction Counseling Program, Minneapolis Community and Technical College

Keith Murphy, LPC, LCADC, Rutgers Collegiate Recovery Program, Rutgers University 

While collegiate recovery programs have existed since the late 1970s, no standardized path for training and credentialing of collegiate recovery programs currently exists. In order to fill this gap and better prepare collegiate recovery professionals to serve college students in recovery, professional development is needed. This panel will begin a conversation about the most pressing gaps in professional development, relying on the personal and professional experience of currently practicing collegiate recovery staff. Panelists will also discuss the assets and strengths formed by their personal and professional experience that they bring to their practice.

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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