Mission and Vision

People in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) face many challenges as they re-construct their lives and create a life-long recovery focus. Due to the stigma associated with SUD, this is not always supported by society and this is reflected in the higher education environment. For students in recovery, there is often a strong focus on maintaining recovery and mitigating the damages of the college experience, leaving little focus on creating a place within higher education for this marginalized population. While other groups of classically marginalized populations have begun to find a foothold and support within university settings (e.g., LGBTQ, gender equality, ethnic identities), students in recovery are often forgotten because their needs differ from what is the common narrative on college campuses. We encourage you to join the Association of Recovery in Higher Education in the collegiate recovery movement, in order to support the needs of students in recovery.

Mission and Vision Statement


To Champion, Develop, and Sustain Excellence in Collegiate Recovery.


Collegiate culture that embraces recovery.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Values Statement

Working towards collegiate recovery for all


ARHE honors multiple perspectives, pathways to recovery and points of view. We strive for inclusivity, and we believe diversity creates belonging.  We celebrate differences and promote acceptance based on gender, identity, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, justice involvement, religion and politics.

ARHE understands that systems of oppression are woven into the fabric of higher education and recovery. As such, our work has to be internal first, so it can impact what we do externally.

ARHE is committed to examining our own biases and working towards healing when harm is caused.  

ARHE strives to lead the collegiate recovery profession in centralizing DEIB practices in collegiate recovery and harm reduction programs globally.


The ARHE Website is currently undergoing updates. While we anticipate minimal disruption, please email mack@collegiaterecovery.org if you experience any issues with the website and we apologize for any inconvenience.