We have a variety of amazing breakout sessions for you to choose from on Tuesday, June 23rd. There is still time to register for the conference. Please email us at [email protected] with any questions you may have!


Session Title:  Integrating Collegiate Recovery into a Comprehensive Campus Peer Assistance and Peer Education Program on a University Campus: Lessons Learned from Students and Staff Members

ARHE Extended Breakout 

Time: 10:00am – 11:15am ET

  1. Dolores Cimini, PhD, University at Albany, SUNY

Amanda Shpigler, Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program 


Session Title: “Oh the Places You’ll Go”: Lived Experiences in Recovery 

ARHE Extended Breakout 

Time: 10:00am – 11:15am ET

Hillary Groover, BS, The University of Alabama

Jessica Medovich, Kennesaw State University

Rob Shearon, BA, University of Colorado Boulder


Session Title: Experiential Interventions in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Engaging Emerging Adults and Their Families

ARHE Extended Breakout 

Time: 10:00am – 11:15am ET

James Ryan, LCPC, Ashley Addiction Treatment


Session Title: APG History, Model & Definition

AAPG Extended Breakout Session

Time: 10:00am – 11:15am ET

John Cates, MA, LCPC, Lifeway International 

Alternative Peer Group Programs have honed treatment strategies and tactics to increase the likely positive outcome in recovery from substance use and co-occurring disorders. This enthusiastic recovery model has been successfully treating adolescents and young adults who struggle with substance use and mental health disorders in Houston for 45 years.


Session Title: Building an APG: Community Recovery

AAPG Breakout Session

Time: 11:30am – 12:20pm ET

George Youngblood, LCDC, ADCIII, CCS, Teen & Family Services


Session Title:  Recovering Identity: Supporting Transgender People in Recovery Communities

ARHE Breakout Session

Time: 12:30pm – 1:20pm ET

Lauren Powell, MEd, Virginia Commonwealth University

Shauntelle Hammonds, PRSS, CSAC-A


Session Title: Increasing Student Buy-In: Building Partnerships with Collegiate Recovery Communities

ARHE Breakout Session

Time: 12:30pm – 1:20pm ET

Chelsea Shore, MA, CPT, CFL1, Florida State University

Tracy Ippolito, MS, Florida State University


Session Title: Re-Conceptualizing Suicide in Substance Use Recovery

ARHE Breakout Session

Time: 12:30pm – 1:20pm ET

Nikki Hune, LMSW, Texas Tech University

Thomas Kimball, PhD, LMFT, Texas Tech University – Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities


Session Title: Recovery High School Accreditation – Revised Standards & Procedures

ARS Breakout Session

Time: 12:30pm – 1:20pm ET

Andy Finch, PhD, Vanderbilt University

This session will discuss the revised ARS accreditation standards and provide exemplars for completing the process.

Session Title: APG Research Update and Agenda

AAPG Breakout Session

Time: 12:30pm – 1:20pm ET

Angela Nash, PhD, CPNP-PC, PMHS, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston


Session Title: Men’s Culture and Prevention Efforts in Collegiate Recovery

ARHE Extended Breakout Session

Time: 1:30pm – 2:45pm ET

Jarmichael Harris, MS, LCAS, East Carolina University

Jessica Dunson, LCMHC, LCAS, NCC, UNC-Charlotte


Session Title: Using Expressive Arts in Your CRP

ARHE Extended Breakout Session

Time: 1:30pm – 2:45pm

Alexandra (Ali) Clements, CPRS, Association of Recovery in Higher Education


Session Title: Discussing Addiction in the Classroom: How to Create Impactful and Experiential Learning Opportunities

ARHE Extended Breakout Session

Time: 1:30pm – 2:45pm

Whitney Payne, LCSW, AADC, University of Arkansas


Session Title: Recovery Policies and Procedures

ARS Breakout Session

Time: 1:30pm – 2:45pm

Michael Durchslag, BA, MAT, P.E.A.S.E Academy

Ryan Morgan, MA, Independence Academy 


Session Title: Enthusiastic Recovery

AAPG Breakout Session

Time: 1:30pm – 2:45pm

Pamela Ball, LCDC, Beyond Your Best Counseling, LLC


Session Title: Therapeutic Alliance Between Institutions of Higher Education and Treatment Centers

ARHE Breakout Session

Time: 4:40pm – 5:30pm ET

Jonathan Saltzburg, MBA, Caron Treatment Centers

Sarah Macdonald, Maryland Addiction Recovery Center


Session Title: QUEST Leadership Program

ARHE Breakout Session

Time: 4:40pm – 5:30pm ET

Leah Singer, MEd, LPC, RYT-200, Cougars in Recovery


Session Title: Multiple Pathways: Not the Ones You’re Thinking

ARHE Breakout Session

Time: 4:40pm – 5:30pm

Jason Callis, MSW, Kennesaw State University


Session Title: The Twelve Steps and Adolescent Recovery: A Review of the Research

AAPG Breakout Session

Time: 4:40pm – 5:30pm ET

Angela Nash, PhD, CPNP-PC, PMHS, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston Cizik School of Nursing

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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