Scheduled highlights for #ARHE2021 Conference Day 4 on Thursday, June 24th


The ‘Accepted’ Marginalization: Bringing Attention to Weight Stigma and Fatphobia
Emmy Lu Henley, PhD, RDN, LD, CEDRD, Metanoia Nutrition
Weight stigma is one of the few preventable contributing factors to the development of disordered eating and eating disorders; yet, this is experienced daily, by many, through such spaces as the doctor’s office, an airplane, or the chair in our therapist’s office. Weight stigma is “acceptable” in our culture due to its disguise of “health/wellness”, even within realms of activism towards other levels of marginalization, including the recovery space. The overall purpose of this presentation is to provide space for marginalized bodies by bringing light to weight stigma and fatphobia, primarily the detrimental physical and mental health consequences that arise from this social injustice. Attendees will be introduced to historical and racial origins of weight stigma and fatphobia, its evolution through the decades, and it’s significance, not only in the journey to recovery, but prevention of disordered eating in recovery. Each attendee will also have the opportunity to reflect on their own internalized fatphobia to explore their role in this social injustice. Open dialogue will conclude the presentation to facilitate, offer solution, and encourage change within one’s own actions, as well as those of their collegiate recovery communities.
Romantic Relationships in Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery: A Qualitative Content Analysis
Thomas Kimball, PhD, LMFT, Texas Tech University, Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities
Nikki Hune, LMSW, Texas Tech University, Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities
William Gerber, MPA, Texas Tech University, Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) thrives in isolation, but recovery requires healthy and supportive relationships in order to heal and grow. Many individuals in alcohol recovery find it challenging to establish and maintain meaningful romantic relationships, yet little research has examined this notion. With a particular focus on relationship insecurity and relationship safety, we explored persons’ experiences of romantic relationships in AUD recovery (N=23; Mean Age=27.87). In this presentation, we will discuss the foundations of identifying relationship safety and addressing relationship security in order to better navigate towards healthy, supportive romantic relationships in recovery.


Why Don’t We Know More? A Comprehensive Review of the Current Evidence Regarding Collegiate Recovery Programming
Noel Vest, PhD, Stanford University
Purpose: Substance use disorder is a critical public health problem among postsecondary education students in the United States where roughly 600,000 US college students report being in recovery from a substance use disorder (SUD). We conducted a scoping review to identify research gaps and inform policy.

Methods: A systematic search was conducted to identify research studies related to college programming for students in recovery from SUD published before August 2020. Fifteen study characteristics such as primary outcome, research design, sample size, and funding source were extracted and summarized to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature.

Results: We identified 357 abstracts for review and excluded 244. A full-text review of 113 articles was conducted and resulted in 59 exclusions. The studies were logically divided into four domains; 1) the qualitative lived experiences of students in recovery, 2) clinical outcomes, 3) program characteristics, and 4) non-clinical outcomes. We provide a summary of the remaining study characteristics and examine gaps in the research literature.

Conclusions: The domains identified offer a framework for healthcare providers, college administrators, and researchers; and will help to inform policy and practice to improve outcomes for this underserved student group.


How to Start a Recovery High School from Scratch
Mary Fererri, Certified K-12 Physical Education/Health Educator, Emerald School of Excellence
Many people are intrigued, and a spark is started once they hear about what a Recovery High School is and can be. Often, it seems like an impossible task but I am here to tell you that where there is a will, there is a way. I was a coach and teacher in a traditional public school and left after 11 years to start a Recovery HS. I am here to share that you can make anything happen with perseverance, a willingness to learn, humility, and a focus on relationships. I will share some hard lessons along my journey, my 3 year journey to open, the first 2 years of operation, and what I wish I knew back then that I know now.


Meeting at the Intersection: Mentoring and Motivation
Jarmichael R. Harris, MS, LCAS, East Carolina University
Kristine De Jesus, PsyD, Montclair St. University
Mentorship is an important aspect of professional development, particularly for those who are new to the field and/or are members of underrepresented groups in collegiate recovery. This program will explore the value of developing a network of professional supports who come from different perspectives, backgrounds, types of institutions, and worldviews to challenge one another in promoting equity, justice, and personal growth.


Looking Back to Move Forward : A Conversation on What We Learned in Collegiate Recovery in 2020


This space is designed so that so that conference attendees, staff/volunteers, presenters, and anyone else involved at our conference can discuss issues/opportunities that come up, and to ensure that our conference is safe, equitable, and inclusive for everyone involved!

This space is co-facilitated by the ARHE Equity & Justice Fellow and select volunteers from ARHE/ARS/AAPG. Information will be collected and shared with relevant conference organizers from ARHE/ARS/AAPG.

Issues may include, but are not limited to:
-Technical Issues
-Accessibility Issues/Concerns
-Interpersonal Issues/Concerns

Privacy Notice: The session will not be recorded for the privacy of participants. Individuals who want to give feedback outside of this space and/or submit anonymous feedback can use our Conference Issues Reporting Form

If the issue is urgent, please contact one of the following:
Association of Recovery In Higher Education (ARHE):
Kristina Canfield: [email protected] or (740) 274-9100

Association of Alternative Peer Groups (AAPG):
Anette Edens: [email protected]

Association of Recovery Schools (ARS):
Mike Durchslag: [email protected]

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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