The 2018 ARHE/ARS/AAPG Conference is just about here! Check out some of our insider facts, tips, and other conference information to top off your event experience down in Houston!

1) We’ll be answering a lot of your questions on Facebook Live on Monday, July 2nd at 2:00 PM ET! Be sure to like the ARHE Facebook Page to get notified.

2) Many other questions will be addressed on our FAQ Page. It can be found online or in the onsite conference program.

3) Speaking of the onsite program, did you know it’s posted online? Check it out here!

4) Another great way to stay connected and informed is through the conference mobile app. Attendees who are registered will get an email about it right before the conference.

5) There will be recovery meetings onsite! Additionally, Houston has a ton of recovery meetings and our University of Houston crew has compiled a great list for all attendees. You can find information online, at the registration desk, in the Recovery Room, or in the onsite program6) The FAQ page online outlines where and when certain meals are provided. Our tip is to show up early as free food can go pretty quickly! Check out the program online to read more. You can also see the UH Student Center Food Court dining hours here.

7) Be sure to join the 2018 Conference Facebook group to connect with attendees and get the latest updates! There’s also plenty of social media activities and contests that we’ll have on site! Be sure to use the hashtag #ARHEinHTown!

8) Conferences can be pretty overwhelming, feel free to ask a volunteer any question or visit us at the registration desk. You can also message us on social media and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

9) Continuing education information is posted online! Up to 20 hours are available for full-conference attendees. More info will be available onsite.

10) Preparing for the heat. Some tips below from our Texas crew:

– Wear layers! We are serious about our air conditioning here, so it can get quite chilly inside while it’s hot outside, so be sure you’re able to take off/ put on a jacket or blazer and better switch between temps.
– Stay hydrated! Bring a reusable water bottle and be sure to drink more water than you normally would.
– Want to go super pro? Bring an umbrella to keep some of the sun off you while you’re outside! It’s amazing what a difference that can make.
– If possible stick with lightweight clothing materials like linen, seersucker, cotton, etc. Looser clothes are also helpful.
– Don’t hesitate to ask for help or take a break in the A/C if you begin to feel faint, nauseous, or become pale. This may be the start of a  heat-related illness. Check out this chart from the CDC for helpful tips and symptom ID.
Texas heat is no joke if you’re not used to it, but it is definitely manageable if you take some precautions!

See y’all down in Houston!

-The 2018 ARHE/ARS/AAPG Conference Committee

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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