Next in our Spotlight Series, we are honored to feature Dr. Dominiquie Clemmons-James, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, where she has worked for the past 4 years.


Interview with Dominiquie M. Clemmons-James

ARHE: Tell us a little about your childhood: where were you born, where did you grown up, what were your activities and interests?

CJ: Born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina. I was always active with science, technology, and any opportunity to connect with people.


ARHE: What was your experience like in school and/or college?

CJ: College was very straight forward for me. I had friends and a good balance of responsibility and extracurriculars. I majored in psychology because I knew I was always had a fascination with people and being helpful to others.


ARHE: How did you land in your current role?

CJ: I arrived at A&T in 2015 when the CRC was first starting. Lending my expertise and innovative ideas, I became coordinator in 2016.


ARHE: What’s your favorite part about your job and the collegiate recovery field overall?

CJ: I love being able to identify and fill needs for students who need extra support. The students I work with wear many hats and being a student in recovery comes with a host of challenges. I love being able to face those challenges with them.


ARHE: Tell us one thing you wish the outside world one about CR?

CJ: That it exists, it’s possible, and there’s no one right way to do it.


ARHE: What’s next? What does the future hold for you?

CJ: I hope to being writing a series of articles about black recovery. More specifically, what recovery looks like for black young adults who have grown up around substance use as a normal part of upbringing and community that now struggle with defining addiction and recovery.

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