The Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) concluded a search for its second full-time position by hiring Kristina Canfield earlier this month. Kristina attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio where she earned both her bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in College Student Personnel. During her time at Ohio University, Kristina helped to establish the Collegiate Recovery Community in order to assist students in or seeking recovery from substance use disorders on that campus.  After graduation, she worked in an inpatient treatment facility where she continued to gain valuable experience in the continuum of care for substance use disorders.
Previously, she was employed as the program coordinator for the Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and as the Substance Abuse Prevention & Recovery Coordinator for The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Kristina is very passionate about the field of collegiate recovery and has worked closely with ARHE as Conference Manager for the ARHE/ARS/AAPG National Conference, Secretary of the Advisory Council, and Project Lead for two current grant projects in order to help advance the field of collegiate recovery. Her vision is that one day, every institution of higher education offers support for students in or seeking recovery so that they feel supported no matter their chosen path of recovery.
“We are very excited to officially welcome Kristina to ARHE full-time”, said Tim Rabolt, ARHE Executive Director. “She has years of experience not just with the field, but with ARHE specifically. I have seen her develop a wide variety of skills that will help her excel not just in this position, but as ARHE employee #2. The candidate pool was extensive and I’m looking forward to being able to scale out our support of ARHE members and overall collegiate recovery growth now that we will have a more dedicated position”.
The Membership and Programs Manager has lead responsibility for ARHE programs and services that are field-facing: different offerings that intersect directly with the collegiate recovery field. Examples include technical assistance (TA) to institutions developing out recovery supports, working internally on our Internship/Fellowship Program and Advisory Council, overseeing all aspects of ARHE Membership (benefits, engagement, support, etc.), and general communications with our collegiate recovery stakeholders throughout the country and across the globe. 
Kristina Canfied
Kristina Canfield will officially begin her position on Monday, July 19th. She can be reached at [email protected]
For questions about this announcement, please contact Tim Rabolt at [email protected]

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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