In today’s blog, we will be exploring the various pathways to ARHE Membership, the benefits associated with different levels of Membership, and opportunities for further ARHE involvement that come with certain levels of Membership.

There are two primary pathways to ARHE Membership: Institutional Membership and Individual Membership. Institutional Membership with ARHE is purchased by eligible institutions and offers benefits to all staff and faculty within the institution. It also comes with one complimentary Professional Affiliate Membership; the recipient of the complimentary membership is left to the discretion of the institution, though it is often given to the staff or faculty member who is most directly involved with the institution’s Collegiate Recovery Program, and is transferrable within the institution.

Institutional Membership provides all faculty and staff at the institution with the ability to register for individual Professional Affiliate Memberships at a discounted rate ($75 as opposed to the standard $125). Institutional Membership does not, however, automatically extend ARHE Membership to all faculty and staff at the institution. The Institutional Membership covers the cost difference between the standard rate of Membership and the discounted rate which becomes available for faculty and staff at the member institution.

To qualify for Institutional Membership, the institution must house a qualified Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP). Qualified CRPs are housed within Institutions of Higher Education that confer academic degrees (e.g., associates, bachelors, masters, and/or doctorate degrees). CRPs are non-profit entities. CRPs have paid qualified, trained, ethical, and dedicated professionals who support students in recovery. CRPs have within them a collegiate recovery community with students in recovery from their alcoholism and/or drug addiction as the primary focus. CRPs do best with a dedicated physical space for students in recovery to gather and offer peer support to one another. CRPs provide a variety of recovery support services to assist students in maintaining and protecting their recovery.

Individual Membership options are also available for those who do not belong to a member institution but are still interested in becoming an ARHE Member. The Ally Membership is available to individuals who are interested in issues of recovery and education but who are not affiliated with a specific collegiate recovery community within higher education. This membership is appropriate for educational administrators and teachers/professors; researchers (affiliated with educational institutions or not); credentialed therapists and addiction professionals (affiliated with educational institutions or not); government representatives; parents; and individuals in recovery, etc. Emeritus members of schools or colleges are also eligible for Ally Membership.

Individual Student Memberships are also available for at a discounted rate of $30. These memberships are available to any student, undergraduate or graduate, who is in recovery and interested in being an ally to students in recovery and the recovery movement. Students need not be enrolled at an ARHE Member Institution to enroll in this membership option.

All ARHE Members will receive the monthly ARHE Newsletter, access to the ARHE Listserv, weekly updates from the ARHE Executive Director, discounted registration cost for the annual conference and other professional development opportunities like the Staff Summit, and access to post and search for jobs in the ARHE Career Corner. Institutional Members, Professional Affiliate Members, and Student Members are also eligible to run for elected ARHE positions and vote on ARHE matters. In addition, these Members will also receive access to an annotated bibliography of collegiate recovery research, a presentation toolkit, ARHE’s community and support network. ARHE continues to develop and expand opportunities and resources for all ARHE Members.

In next week’s blog, we will be exploring the different elected ARHE positions as well as the respective responsibilities associated with them. Later this month we will be hosting a webinar featuring a panel of current ARHE Board and Advisory Council members discussing their roles and responsibilities in anticipation of the upcoming Board nomination season. And, as always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any



The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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