Every year in April, Collegiate Recovery Programs, staff and students come together to recognize collegiate recovery. It is an opportunity to highlight a growing field that supports students in or seeking recovery. Over the past several decades, the field of collegiate recovery has expanded to provide support to college students across the United States and Canada. Growing support for CRPs is also increasing in the United Kingdom as well.

ARHE Advisory Council Co-Chair and Executive Director of Students Recover, Dr. Kristine De Jesus shares that: “Collegiate Recovery Week provides an opportunity to celebrate and honor the incredible things that students in recovery do when they are provided with the support and nurturance necessary to thrive.”

Our hope for Collegiate Recovery Week this year is to celebrate, advocate and honor the field of collegiate recovery during April 10th – 15th.

We will hear from leaders and CRP Staff from across over 150 ARHE Institutional Members, supporters, and allies. We will bring important topics like: Celebrating All Pathways of Recovery, Enhancing Accessibility, Recognizing Champion Allies and Supporting New and Emerging Programs. We will also highlight why our stories matter and increase awareness by wearing purple on Collegiate Recovery Day, April 15th.

Mack Park, Program Coordinator for the student recovery program at the University of Windsor and fellow with ARHE since 2020 states why they are celebrating collegiate recovery week this year:

“I am celebrating collegiate recovery week because I have seen the impact of providing these services – both as a student and now as staff of a student recovery program. Recognizing the gaps in services on many institutional campuses in supporting recovery, and addressing these through the development of evidence-based services, has the potential to help students succeed in all aspects of their lives. In celebrating collegiate recovery week with ARHE and taking part in the important work that they do, we can celebrate the lives of all students engaged in all forms and pathways of recovery – on each institution’s campus and collectively across the world!”

Executive Director of ARHE, Kristina Canfield states:

“I support collegiate recovery because I believe that recovery should be a natural part of the continuum of services offered to our students. Collegiate Recovery Programs enrich and enhance the collegiate environment.”

Together, by increasing awareness of collegiate recovery, we can work together to enhance the field and ensure more access in the field for future generations of students.

Join us this year for a series of events hosted by ARHE and follow our social media channels for exclusive content that celebrates, advocates and honors during Collegiate Recovery Week!

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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