It is with great excitement that we publish and share the new ARHE Collegiate Recovery Directory! Following in the footsteps of Trent Boozer and Recovery Campus Magazine is no small task. Trent and his team created, developed, and distributed the original Recovery Campus Directory for several years and I know well the very hard work that went into collecting the data necessary to make that publication possible. The Recovery Campus Directory immediately became a staple on college campuses across the US and that is a testament to the legacy of Recovery Campus Magazine. At ARHE, we have been working to gather information from our members over the last several years to understand how we can continue to best serve the field of collegiate recovery. It became very clear that an updated version of a collegiate recovery program directory was in high demand, so we got to work! We cannot enumerate the number of emails or calls ARHE has with folks who are searching for an easier way to find a CRP that works for them or their family members. We hope that the ARHE Collegiate Recovery Directory will be a useful tool for anyone who wants to know more about collegiate recovery programs. The new directory is the most up-to-date list of Collegiate Recovery Programs that are members of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education. The information presented in the directory focuses on the primary characteristics of Collegiate Recovery Programs, both developing and established programs. Please note that this directory is updated annually, but since it is a digital publication, we can update data in real-time. Just reach out to us with any updates, corrections, or additions. If your program would like to be listed in the next issue of the directory or you would like to inquire about advertising opportunities, please reach out to our Membership and Outreach Manager for more information at [email protected]. Thank you all for your continued support of ARHE and the field of collegiate recovery!