
Member pricing is offered to anyone who is a member of ARHE, ARS, AAPG, or HECAOD.

Non-member pricing is for those who are not members of ARHE, ARS, AAPG, or HECAOD.

To take advantage of conference pricing discounts and more, become a member of ARHE today by clicking HERE

*To receive member pricing, please select the full conference ticket price, then use the discount code provided through the listserv. If you are a member and did not receive this code, please contact!

Pricing Matrix


Early Bird

Ends 2/28


2/28 – 5/16

Last Minute Tickets

5/16 – 6/29


ARHE/ARS/AAPG/HECAOD Member – Full Conference* $475 $525 $625
Student – Full Conference $225 $275 $325
Non-Member – Full Conference $625 $675 $775
One-Day Registration $200 $300

Billing and Cancellation Policy

Refund and Payment Policy

Please note that we will fully refund your ticket upon request until Friday, April 11, 2025, less a $50 administrative fee. Refund requests received between April 11, 2025 – May 16, 2025 will be refunded at 50%, less a $50 administrative fee. Refunds may not be granted after May 16, 2025.

Cancellation requests or refund requests must be submitted in writing to Louise Irizarry at 

Tickets may be transferred to another individual. All transfer requests should be sent to Louise Irizarry at 

If choosing the option to “Pay Later” by Check or Purchase Order, you are agreeing that this registration is binding and held to the same refund/cancellation policy as a registration paid in full by credit card. Full payment must be received by Friday, May 16, 2025. If full payment is not received by this date, your registration may be cancelled and a new registration with full payment at the late registration conference rate will be required, unless otherwise notified in writing by Louise Irizarry.

Full payment of exhibit/sponsor fees must be provided within 45 days of completion of the online reservation process.

Under all circumstances, ARHE retains the right to resell any booth space cancelled by exhibitor. All cancellations must be sent in writing via e-mail or regular mail to ARHE at:
REGULAR MAIL: Association of Recovery in Higher Education. P.O. Box 1541
Kennesaw, GA 30156

The ARHE Website is currently undergoing updates. While we anticipate minimal disruption, please email if you experience any issues with the website and we apologize for any inconvenience.