Our Blog
ARHE Year In Review 2024
2024 has been a year of growth for ARHE as we hired our third full time staff member, began offering technical assistance to any institution, hosted our first west coast conference, and launched the official accreditation process for collegiate recovery! As we launch...
Webinar: Using Policy Levers to Drive Addiction Policy Change
There is a growing consensus about the need for change in how the nation approaches addiction policy, but how can we use policy levers to drive this change? This webinar, led by two professors of Addiction Policy at Georgetown University, will lead participants...
Staff Chats: Abstinence Violation Effect (AVE) and the RAP Intervention
Dr. Patrick McElwaine shares on the Abstinence Violation Effect (AVE) and the RAP Intervention, which he has found to be successful time again when providing direct support to individuals who are in or seeking recovery. https://vimeo.com/1037499770 Staff Chats take...
ABC Series: Stigma and Substance Use – Building Bridges, Not Walls
This term's Access, Belonging, and Connection speaker will be addressing stigma. Now, as members of our profession we are all too familiar with stigma. Stigma from outside of recovery or harm reduction work throws up many roadblocks in our attempts to advocate, create...
Staff Chats: Beyond Sober Tailgates – Prevention
Today, Lindsay Montgomery, MEd returned for part two of a presentation “Beyond Sober Tailgates,” this time with a focus on Prevention. Perhaps you wear two (or more) hats on your campus and you are responsible for both ‘prevention’ and ‘recovery’ or perhaps you’re not...
Staff Chats: University of Michigan CRP Institutional fit and Community Culture
Matt Statman and Natalie Christian facilitated a staff chat about Institutional Fit and Community Culture, utilizing the University of Michigan as a case study. This conversation is meant to help professionals at any institution understand what a CRP can look like,...
Staff Chats: Focusing on Community – Creating CRCs Within CRPs
In today's staff chat, Bret Frazier facilitated a conversation around "Focusing on Community: Creating CRCs Within CRPs!" Wondering what the difference is? Community is at the heart of collegiate recovery, but sometimes it can be tough to build it; watch and learn...
Staff Chats: Oxford House Partnerships with CRPS
In this staff chat session, Amy Intrator spoke about Oxford House Partnerships with CRPs and her experience in advocating for Student Recovery Housing! https://vimeo.com/1027429834?share=copy#t=0 Staff Chats take place on Tuesdays at 12pm ET and explore new topics...
Cultural Capital – Your Hidden Asset in Recovery
Please join Lily Spurgeon who facilitated a session titled “Cultural Capital: Your Hidden Asset in Recovery." https://vimeo.com/1027673868?share=copy#t=0 The Compassionate Care Strategies speaker series will take place on Thursdays at 12pm ET on the 2nd Thursday of...