Donation Form
Where the Need is the Greatest
Giving to the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) is an investment in the future. It gives faculty, staff, professionals
The Association of Recovery in Higher Education is an Association for those persons in higher education to include colleges, universities, community and technical college settings, whose professional identity is supporting collegiate recovery communities and whose purpose is fostering student development.
Your donation will support the following strategic initiatives:
Advancing student leadership in the collegiate recovery community.
Fostering continued growth and development in recovering students beyond graduation.
Providing a network and educational opportunities for Collegiate Recovery Professionals
Providing Collegiate Recovery Program resources
Advancing national policy as it relates to Collegiate Recovery Programs and Students in recovery from addiction in Higher Education.
Developing and supporting a national research database on Collegiate Recovery Topics
Encouraging and promoting recovery research
$ 1000 / year
Donors who contribute $1000 or more will be considered foundational members for the year in which the donation took place and other membership fees will be waived for that academic year.
Enter an Amount to Give & Change the trajectory of a recovering students’ life
$10.00 is the minimum online donation.
Donation Form
Use this form to make a donation payment to ARHE
© 2024 Association of Recovery in Higher Education, All Rights Reserved.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1541
Kennesaw, GA 30156