The Little Book of College Sobriety by Susan Packard

The proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Association of Recovery in Higher Education. ARHE is the only association exclusively representing college students in recovery, and staff and faculty who support them.

The Little Book of College Sobriety

Book Description

The path to recovery is a trek from self-discovery to action. The courageous young storytellers in this book describe this journey, and the moment when the pain of addiction meets the joy of connection–and joy wins. Their stories shed new light on ways to grow and sustain good emotional health for anyone wanting to live with steadiness, peace of mind and joy.

You can listen to the stories too, through pre-recorded audio tracks found in the book.

Susan Packard is a media entrepreneur and a sober, hope-rich author who has contributed to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and Refinery 29. This is her third book about emotional fitness and the many shapes it takes in people’s lives, and how it is essential to living with peace and joy. She is a frequent speaker and gave a TEDx talk about emotional fitness at UCLA. 

Hear directly from Susan as she talks about the book and her reasons for writing it:

Messages of Hope from the Community…

Recovery is possible, even as a young person!

– Dot. S

Talking about our stories gives people who are struggling hope. Reading others' stories reminds me that I'm not alone!

Recovery helps us grow bigger than we ever could have imagined.

Recovery is a cyclical process – the more we seek help from others, the more we help ourselves, and the more we can, in turn help future others.

Recovery allows us to have fun again, and discover fun in the simple things!

In recovery, we don’t have to fight for a “seat at the table” – the table of recovery has seats for everyone.

When you take care of yourself, you start to realize that you deserve every good thing – just because you are you.

Recovery is a living practice – sometimes the most impactful way to help someone else is just by modeling the behaviour yourself.

In Recovery, I haven't always ended up where I thought I would be, but I have always landed exactly where I should be.

– Kristina

Recovery was not about the removal of substances in my life - it was about adding all the things I was missing so that I didn't have to use anymore.

– Meagan

While not always easy, life in Recovery has been beyond my wildest dreams.

In recovery, I have found the meaning of true friendship and what it means to be valued and loved.

It was only through Recovery Communities that I started to feel worthy, valued, and loved. Not because it wasn't there before, but it took recovery to accept it. It took recovery to feel that way about myself.

Student recovery helped me to find a community of people who understood and accepted me for all that I was – every flaw, strength, and everything in between.

– Mack

Recovery is the gift I gave myself when I had nothing else left to give. The best part about recovery is that the more you of it give, the more you receive in turn.

Recovery works for me because it's done in community with others. I don't have to go at it alone.

You are never “too young” or “too old” to enter recovery – anyone can begin the journey towards wellness at any age.

We are stronger together, even more so within educational settings. Be loud & proud!

– Dot S.

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