ARHE Training Courses

ARHE Training Courses

The purpose of Collegiate Recovery Training Courses is to offer professional development and learning opportunities for collegiate recovery staff, both current and future!

We are excited to feature the first Training Course: An Introduction to Collegiate Recovery, developed in collaboration by The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery (HECAOD).

Description: This 6-hour, asynchronous course is designed for professionals new to working in the collegiate recovery field. During this course, participants will explore the history and evolution of the collegiate recovery field, student development theories and their applicability to collegiate recovery, strategies for destigmatizing recovery, and key components to developing a collegiate recovery program on campus.


  1. The Evolution of Collegiate Recovery
  2. Working within the Culture of Higher Education
  3. Terminology, Language, & Stigma
  4. Understanding Recovery & Recovery Capital
  5. Building a Recovery Community
  6. Developing a Collegiate Recovery Program
  7. Being a Collegiate Recovery Staff Member
  8. The Ethics of Being a Collegiate Recovery Staff Member

***ARHE Members receive a discount on the training course. For more information, contact the Membership and Outreach coordinator at [email protected]!

The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.