Each year on April 15th we celebrate the founding of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) back in 2010. We have a variety of virtual celebrations and programming to unite the collegiate recovery field today. Keep reading for exciting announcements, ways to help, and for the full schedule of events!

#WearPurple on April 15th to support Collegiate Recovery Day! Showcase your photos and selfies on social media using the hashtags #WearPurple and #CollegiateRecoveryDay.


Exciting Announcements for Collegiate Recovery Day

An Exciting Conference Keynote Announcement

We are excited to announce that Regina Labelle, Acting Director for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), and Tom Coderre, Acting Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use at SAMHSA, will be our featured keynotes at this year’s conference! Learn more and register on the conference homepage.


2022 Conference Site and Dates
Drum roll please…after a long search, wait, and process: we are excited to bring back the in-person National Collegiate Recovery Conference! The 2022 Conference will take place from June 13-15, 2022 at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA.


The Collegiate Recovery Calendar and Common Room

Ideas formed from our ARHE Advisory Council, we are excited to launch the Collegiate Recovery Calendar and ARHE Common Room! The calendar will be your one-stop shop to see all the collegiate recovery events throughout the year on one page. The ARHE Common Room is a 24/7 Zoom space, reservable by ARHE members and open to all. The programming throughout today takes place in the ARHE Common Room. 

Collegiate Recovery Day #11for11 Fellowship Fundraiser!

This year we are launching our #11for11 Fundraiser: asking for gifts of $11 in honor of our 11th Anniversary. Funds raised will go to our annual Fellowship Program to hire students in recovery to help grow the field as well as bolster their own professional development.
Ways to Give: 
  • Text STUDENTS to 44-321
  • Donate Directly Online
  • Give to the Facebook Fundraiser
    • Can’t make a gift? It’s even more helpful to “invite” your Facebook friends to donate or to make a post sharing the donate link directly!

Schedule of Events

All ARHE events during Collegiate Recovery Day will take place in the ARHE Common Room. ARHE Executive Director Tim Rabolt will be in the Common Room from 12:00 PM ET to 9:00 PM ET to answer any questions throughout the day! All ARHE Members were emailed the Common Room Zoom Link. Email [email protected] for Zoom information if you are not a member. 


12:00 PM ET: #CollegiateRecoveryChat on Twitter

  • Join us on Twitter and follow along the hashtag #CollegiateRecoveryChat for a nationwide discussion on the field, students in recovery, and Collegiate Recovery Day overall! We will also be hosting the chat live in the ARHE Common Room!

2:00 PM ET: ARHE Past President Interview Series with Teresa Johnston

  • Teresa Johnston was the first ARHE Board President and stays involved to this day. Join us in the ARHE Common Room for a casual conversation with Teresa about her work at Kennesaw State University, how the field has grown, and where she sees the profession going.

4:15 PM ET: Collegiate Recovery Hour of Power- Moderated by Keith Murphy and Amy Boyd Austin: Featuring Student Sharing and Stories

  • Join us at 4:15 on 4/15 for the first ever Hour of Power event! Taking place in the ARHE Common Room, this event focuses on the power of student sharing and students’ recovery stories. All are welcome!

7:30 PM ET: All-Recovery Speaker Meeting


  • We cap off Collegiate Recovery Day with an All-Recovery Speaker Meeting featuring a student, alumni, and staff speaker. Join us in the ARHE Common Room as we wrap up the 2021 Collegiate Recovery Day!


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The ARHE website is under construction as we launch a new membership portal. Please inform [email protected] if you experience technical difficulties or need support.

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