Fayetteville State University

Program Details

Established: 2020
Region: Mid-Atlantic
State: North Carolina
Program Contact: Dionne Hall
(910) 672-1222


About the Program

The Bronco Whole Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC), located within The Counseling and Personal Development Center at Fayetteville State University, was established in 2020. The Bronco Whole CRC is a small-sized, recovery-based program, designed to create an inclusive atmosphere for students to give and gain peer support, while fostering lifelong changes in students’ lives. By ensuring that students in recovery have appropriate support and resources, the Bronco Whole CRC is dedicated to assisting students in their pursuit of obtaining a college education and finding success.
The Bronco Whole CRC offers recovery related meetings (i.e., 12-step meetings and SMART recovery) which are facilitated by a licensed counselor. Participation in the Bronco Whole CRC is free of charge and open to all currently enrolled students. Students can also access individual, group, peer recovery support, the Bronco Whole CRC Lounge and the Bronco Whole Mind Spa – relaxation room. Both the Lounge and the Spa are open for drop-in hours Monday thru Friday, 9am – 4pm.
Currently, the Counseling and Personal Development Center has four full-time staff members including: one Director, two Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, and one Administrative Support Associate. We also have one part-time Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor/ Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist Associate.

Become a member of arhe!

The Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) is the only association exclusively representing collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) and collegiate recovery communities (CRCs), the faculty and staff who support them, and the students who represent them. ARHE provides the education, resources, and community connection needed to help change the trajectory of recovering student’s lives. We are a network of professionals, administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents and policy makers.

© 2024 Association of Recovery in Higher Education, All Rights Reserved.


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1541
Kennesaw, GA 30156

A Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) is a college or university-provided program that includes a supportive environment within the campus culture. CRPs reinforce the decision to engage in a lifestyle of recovery from addiction/substance use disorder. It is designed to provide an educational opportunity alongside recovery supports to ensure that students do not have to sacrifice one for the other.

The ARHE Website is currently undergoing updates. While we anticipate minimal disruption, please email mack@collegiaterecovery.org if you experience any issues with the website and we apologize for any inconvenience.