washington county community college
Program Details
Established: | 2019 |
Region: | Northeast |
State: | Maine |
Program Contact: | Bernadette Farrar bfarrar@wccc.me.edu (207) 454-1000 |
Website: | PROGRAM LINK |
About the Program
Washington County Community College’s (WCCC) Recovery Support Program is housed under Student Services and the WCCC C.A.R.E.S. (Campus, Assistance, Education, and Support) Center which is focused on the removal of internal and external barriers to success. We are a fledgling (small 1-14) program located on a beautifully situated campus on the banks of the tidal St. Croix River in rural Downeast Calais, Maine. Students are encouraged to meet with the full-time Student Navigator who staffs the C.A.R.E.S. Center for assistance in locating on and off-campus resources to assist in establishing or maintaining recovery. Several Student Services staff members are trained Recovery Coaches and more training is ongoing. Meeting space is provided to students who wish to meet privately and offer peer-to-peer support or meet with a recovery coach. WCCC partners with the Aroostook Mental Health Center, The Community Caring Collaborative, The Downeast Recovery Support Center, and Healthy Acadia for services off campus and for staff and student recovery awareness training. Any student who self-identifies as in recovery at any stage is encouraged and welcome to participate in campus recovery programming.
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